
Sunday, April 27, 2014


Stan Toler in his book, God Has Never Failed Me Before tells the story of  a French soldier in WWI who used to carry a little card with him to help him overcome worry... with the following words;
"Of two things one is certain, either you are at the front, or you are behind the enemy lines. If you are at the front of two things, one is certain. Either you are exposed o dangers, or you are in a safe place. If you are exposed to danger, of two things, one is certain. Either you are wounded, or you are not wounded. If you are wounded, of two things, one is certain. Either you recover, or you die. If you recover, there is no need to worry. If you die, you cannot worry. SO WHY WORRY???"

One man who was drowning in problems said, "I've got so many troubles that if anything bad happens to me today, it'll be two weeks before I can worry about it"

It's so easy for us to worry, fret, and stew over things that we have no control of. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati found that eight-five percent (yes - 85%) of what we worry about never happens Moreover, the study found that 79% of us handle the 15% that does happen in ways that surprise us with our ability to turn the situation around.

It's like what Mark Twain once said, "My life has been filled with calamities, some of which actually happened."

God encourages us in His Word to not be anxious. "Don't worry," He says, "I've got this."
Luke 12:22-32  covers a lot of ground for the worrywart. Take no thought for what you shall eat or wear. But notice how Jesus doesn't just tell the disciples that and leave them but promises them in Luke 12:32 to fear (there's that worry) not, it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. We are worried about what we are going to eat and wear, Jesus says, "Why worry about that, I've got a kingdom for you. An eternal kingdom that won't fade away, that can't be taken away."

In my opinion that makes the things we worry about look pretty small. So small that why should I worry about them, why not let God handle them for me.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Echo of the Empty Tomb

This is an article I wrote for the Flaming Sword several years ago, I found it and wanted to share it on  the blog. Isn't it wonderful we have a RISEN SAVIOR!!!

 Have you ever been in an empty house or a room without any furniture? Everything you say seems to echo. Travis and Corey, my two son’s, enjoy yelling as loudly as they can in the large shopping mall’s open areas, just so they can hear the echo. Often as a child I would sing or holler loudly to hear it echo off the woods and hills around where I lived. There is something about an echo that grabs your attention, and makes you listen. An echo is a strange phenomenon that is caused when sound bounces off of objects. Sound travels about 300 meters a second that is approximately 984 feet. That is fast. A really good echo will return after several seconds. Smooth rocks echo well like those found  in caves. Being enclosed almost all sounds will echo in a cave or tunnel. How that must have echoed in that empty tomb as the angel asked those poor, mournful, weeping, confused women, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” How it must have reverberated in that empty tomb as those angels said excitedly “HE IS NOT HERE FOR HE IS RISEN” Oh how that tomb resounds in victory. “He is not here for He is risen.” He’s alive and well and all that remains are the  grave clothes and blood stains. He has atoned for Adams fallen race. “The English word “atonement” comes from two words “at onement” and denotes a state of togetherness and agreement between two people” according to the Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.
Hear the echo of the empty tomb as it shouts out the good news;
                 “FULFILLMENT” PAID IN FULL The price is paid. I don’t think this truth fully impacted those poor women that day, but there came a day when suddenly the light dawned upon them. I like to think that one day when they were in the upper room praying and waiting on God prior to Pentecost, someone stood to their feet and began to read that beautiful prophesy in Isaiah 53:4-6 “Surely he hath borne our grief’s, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
                Perhaps Cleopas began to expound upon what was read, how that Jesus, when He was walking with them on the road to Emmaus even though they did not know it was him, “expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” Maybe Cleopas went on to explain that God had laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all meant that, Jesus carried our sins to the cross, he fulfilled God’s demands for a sacrifice. We cannot give anything to secure our salvation, it’s already paid. HALLELUJAH! Sing it louder than the noise of the war and strife, sing it louder than the clamor of the world. Sing it louder than the falling stock market and financial crisis. Let it ring from shore to shore. The debt for your sins is  paid in full.
                Jesus cried aloud from the cross, “It is finished.” He has won the battle, he is victorious. His sacrifice is accepted. He has fulfilled it all. Listen to it echo down through the corridors of history, past all of the charlatans and wolves in sheep’s clothing and thieves and robbers who tried to come another way. “I am the door, no man can come to the Father but by me,” and again, “I came not to destroy the law but to fulfill.”  How that tomb echoes with fulfillment.

 The tomb also echos in, FORGIVENESS - From the cross Jesus cried, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” In His last agonizing hours, Jesus softly spoke those words to the thief on his side, “This day be with me in Paradise.” Now as He steps from the tomb with the blood of THE LAMB to ascend to the Holy of Holies in Heaven, one thing is in mind to present Himself before the Father, to, as Charles Wesley wrote, “He ever lives above for me to intercede; His all redeeming love, His precious blood to plead. His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. Five bleeding wounds he bears, received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me. “Forgive him, Oh, forgive,” they cry. “Forgive him, oh, forgive,” they cry. “Nor let that ransomed sinner die.”
                The tomb echoes and reechoes with the beautiful song of grace and forgiveness. Is it any wonder Mary fell at his feet, or that Thomas cried, “My Lord and My God” or Peter somewhere between Calvary and Pentecost found that forgiveness and could rise and preach under the powerful anointing of the Holy Ghost, “This is that…” Acts 2:16, and “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21) What a promise those who will call on His name will find forgiveness.
                Listen to the tomb as it echo with FREEDOM - Jesus declared, “ I am the way the Truth and the Life,” in another place it is written, “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” That leads us to a rather logical conclusion. To be free you must know the Truth, and oh what freedom he brings. The songwriter put it to music this way, “Glorious Freedom wonderful freedom, no more in chains of sin I repine. Jesus the glorious Emancipator, now and forever, He shall be mine.” Is it any wonder that John Newton when he found Jesus the resurrected Savior he sat down and penned those immortal words. “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see.” Jesus had given him freedom real freedom.  Jesus gives us that kind of freedom, freedom from sin and carnality. Freedom hear it echo, listen to the sound from those who were bound but now are free, really free.  Jesus was freed from the bounds of the grave clothes. He was loosed from them, death had lost it’s grip upon our Lord. HE WAS FREE. He wants to give us the same freedom.

                                For neatly two thousand years that tomb has echoed and will echo forever in victory and triumph over the world the flesh and the Devil. Hallelujah! It has brought fulfillment forgiveness and freedom to a lost and dying world, it has given us the hope of everlasting life with Christ, the one who emptied the tomb, and let it’s joyous shouts echo for eternity. Listen to  the echo from the empty tomb.

Watch this video of the Talley Trio as they sing "He's Alive"  written by Don Francisco.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

I've Got No Reason To Quit IHC

While this song is from last year, I think it is still relevant to us today.  I think every once in a while we need a reminder that no matter what may be going on in our lives, we have no reason to turn back. There is nothing to go back for. I think of the time Jesus was talking to his followers and disciples and so many of them turned their backs on Him and walked away. Jesus turned to those closest to him and asked, "will you also go?" And their reply was so profound and revealing of their true desperate dependence on Him, "To whom else can we go, Thou has the Words of Life!!!" John 6:60-71 Truly no matter what we are facing there is nothing worth going back for. I've got no reason to quit. Watch the Mayle Family at IHC 2013 from Holiness Online

Sunday, April 6, 2014



Is there anything you are afraid of? I mean really afraid of? Not just a little bothered by something but I mean really really afraid? It is human nature to be afraid to have phobias and fears.
Here are some interesting numbers according to statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health and posted by Statistic Brain

Fear and Worry Statistics Data
Percent of things feared that will never take place60 %
Percent of things feared that happened in the past and can’t be changed30 %
Percent of things feared that are considered to be insignificant issues90 %
Percent of things feared in relation to health that will not happen88 %
Number of Americans who have a diagnosed phobia6.3 Million
 Top PhobiasPercent of US Population
1 Fear of public speaking – Glossophobia 74 %
2 Fear of death – Necrophobia 68 %
3 Fear of spiders – Arachnophobia 30.5 %
4 Fear of darkness – Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia 11 %
5 Fear of heights – Acrophobia 10 %
6 Fear of people or social situations – Sociophobia 7.9 %
7 Fear of flying – Aerophobia 6.5 %
8 Fear of confined spaces – Claustrophobia 2.5 %
9 Fear of open spaces – Agoraphobia 2.2 %
10 Fear of thunder and lightning – Brontophobia 2 %

Fear is something that scripture says we combat and conquer with divine love 1 John 4:18. We may have fears and worries about things that could happen to us, but we don't have to worry if God will take care of us or not. I'm glad He will not leave us or forsake us. That He will never let us fall, that HE WILL NOT FAIL. Of this we do not have to be afraid.

D.L. Moody used to say, " You can travel to heaven first class or second class. Second class is, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." Psalm 56:3. First class is, "In God I trust; I will not be afraid. Psalm 56:11.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Promises of God.

I read in 2 Cor. 1:20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. I like how the English Standard version translates this verse, "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.

Charles Spurgeon once wrote - "I have thumbed my Bible many a year; I have never yet thumbed a broken promise. The promises have all been kept to me; not one good thing has failed"

I think John F. Dorsey in his book, Seventy Poems to Ponder says it best in his poem THE PROMISES OF GOD.

The promises of God are solid bridges,
Inviting us to take of Heaven's store.
They reach across that intervening chasm
A certain link with earth's uncertain shore.
The promises of God are firm connections
That link eternity with fleeting time;
They point from sin to grace's high perfections
And lead men to a fellowship sublime.
By these we have a past of sins forgiven
By these receive His nature so divine.
By these pass through the gates of pearl to Heaven
For these will be the Pilgrim's countersign.
The promises make saints a sure foundation;
Across the great divide a certain span;
Assuring them of uttermost salvation,
Reconciling God and sinful man.
Not one good word of these can e'er be altered,
For God Himself will see they will not fail.
No saint who stood on these has ever faltered
Against God's Word our foes can ne'er prevail.
They are the shining path that saints and sages
And prophets through the centuries have trod
The path that led men upward through the ages
And brought them face to face at last with God.
Have you a need? Then look! God has a promise!
Through it you can receive His full supply.
And live victoriously on this short journey
And cross at last to that bright home on high.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Trading Our Cross For A Crown.

I love this song by The Collingsworth Family Tradin' A Cross For A Crown off their live DVD "A Night To Remember"  I remember my pastor's wife often testifying to the fact that she had, "set her face like a flint to make it in." I like that. Determination won't get us to heaven by itself, but a heart surrendered to Jesus that will go all the way in obedience, faith, and determination will make it in Matthew 24:13. Listen be blessed and buy the album or DVD to show your support to the Collingsworth Family.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Shake By Prayer

A small boy was saying his bedtime prayers with his grandmother. He went through the normal prayer and continued to pray, for quite a few minutes. Finally when he finished and got up his grandmother, who's curiosity was piqued, asked, "Honey, why did you pray so long?" the little boy looked up with childish innocence and all the sincerity he had and answered, "I heard that, 'Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees' so I was going to give him a good shaking"
What great faith that little boy had in prayer. Prayer is our connection to God. Our hotline to heaven. It is direct contact with God.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:18 that we are to be, "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit..." What a command to pray always, not just to pray always but to pray in our praying. John Wesley the faithful man of God and founder of the Methodist wrote on this verse, "Praying always - At all times, and on every occasion, in midst of all employments, inwardly praying without ceasing."
Oh what prayer can do,

An unknown author said it so well when they put it into this powerful poem;

"Prayer has divided seas rolled up flowing rivers and caused flinted rocks to rush into fountains,
Prayer has quenched the violence of the flames of fire and muzzled lions and disarmed vipers and poisonous snakes
It has marshaled the stars against the wicked and stopped the moon and arrested the sun it its rapid pace.
Prayer has burst open iron gates, conquered the strongest devils and commanded legions of angels down from heaven.
Prayer has bridled and chained the raging passions of men and routed and destroyed vast armies of proud blustering daring infidels and atheists.
Prayer has brought one man up from the bottom of the sea, and carried another in a chariot of fire into heaven.
Abram’s servant prayed and Rebecca appeared.
Jacob prayed and Esau threw his arms around his neck instead of plunging a dagger into his heart.
Moses prayed and Amalek was defeated.
Joshua prayed and Achan was discovered.
Hannah prayed and Samuel was born.
Asa prayed and a victory was gained.
Jehoshaphat cried to God and his foes were turned away.
Isaiah and Hezekiah prayed and 185 thousand Assyrians were dead in 12 hours.
Daniel prayed and the lions were muzzled, He prayed again and the 70 weeks were revealed.
Mordecai and Esther fasted and prayed and Haman was hanged.
Ezra prayed and God answered.
Nehemiah simply started a prayer and the King’s heart was softened in a minute.
Elijah prayed and a drought of 3 yrs. Succeeded . He prayed again and the rains started apace.
Elisha prayed and the Jordan was divided. He prayed again and the soul of a child came back to life.
The Church ardently prayed and Peter was delivered by an angel. Surely God’s hands are opened or bound as we pray.
Man’s extremity is still God’s opportunity, for God never never fails." (Author unknown)
T.M. Anderson wrote in his book Prayer Availeth Much "I am convinced that the people of God have not explored the boundless possibilities of prayer."
What a privilege is ours if we will only take advantage of it today. Won't you spend some extra time in prayer today? It is our only hope of revival. It is our only hope of renewal. .It our only hope of restoration. We can vote our values till we are blue in the face, we can lobby congress till we outlaw every evil thing, we can promote good clean morals until every evil thing is out of sight. But I guarantee you our only hope for America is found in this little weapon of PRAYER & REVIVAL. Lets pray in our praying and give the devil a good shaking today.

Monday, March 10, 2014

How To Pray For One Hour - Mark Eckart

This article was taken from God's Revivalist and Bible Advocate in the Winter 2014 Issue. Special thanks to God's Revivalist and Bible Advocate for giving me permission to use this article in my blog.  It not only inspired me to take a closer look at my prayer life, but also a way to keep my prayer life from becoming a rut, or boring.

First let me say that we want to shy away from legalism anytime we talk about spiritual formation topics. It is so easy to fall in the trap that if I just do these ten things or follow this specific regimen, then I will certainly be in God’s favor. On the other hand, some Christians are so lackadaisical that they never make any effort to seek God earnestly. It is interesting the interaction Jesus had with His disciples about this topic: “Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, ‘Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak’” (Mark 14:37-38).

Here is a good way to spend some time with God, whether it is for an hour or not. However, it does
work well to spend 15 minutes on each section.

About 140 times in Scripture it talks about how we should give worship and praise to God. The book of Psalms itself is full of this admonition to praise God. For example, “He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen” (Deut. 10:21). This verse alone should get us blessed. Think of scores of other admonitions throughout
the Bible encouraging us to praise God! You could take a whole hour just on this point.

As Wesleyan-Arminians, we don’t believe you have to practice sin as a Christian. When you get
saved and sanctified, it changes you and your desires so you don’t want to sin and hurt your relationship with God. However, this does not mean that there is not room for confession
in the life of a believer. With all of the strengths of the holiness movement, this has been one of our
weaknesses. That is, to believe that once you are saved that you never need to confess anything to God or others. The practice of confession is stated clearly in James 5:16: “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another….”

Often by this point in your prayer time you will be feeling great. You have spent time giving God the praise He deserves and have confessed any sin or fault that He brings to your attention. Too many of us just plop on our knees with our “wish list” to tell God all that we need and never take the time to cover these two very important before-mentioned steps. The good news is that God wants us to ask Him for our needs and even our wants. Repeatedly in Scripture we are invited to come to God and
are told that He cares about our needs and situations. A favorite reference to illustrate this is found in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seek finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Matt. 7:7-11)

Don’t make the mistake of believing that the sanctified no longer have anything to yield to Christ. Even though consecration is a major part of that work of grace in the life of a believer, the reality is there are things that come into all lives continually that we still need to be yielding to Christ. What a beautiful thing it is to finish your prayer time by just reminding God that you totally belong to
Him. Even though none of us deserve it, ask God to make you a conduit of His grace for that day to those who are hurting and need a hand. You will yield your time, treasures, and talent to Him once again. The other day I was leaving a restaurant with my wife. There was a sign in the window that said, “Prayer is the world’s greatest wireless connection!” I agree, so I invite you to P.R.A.Y.

Scriptures printed in article are taken from the NKJVArticle written by  Dr. Mark S.F. Eckart  (GBS BRE ’83), District Superintendent of the
Indiana South District of The Wesleyan Church, formerly served as a faculty member and Dean of Students at God’s Bible School.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What I Gave Up To Be A Christian

While being a Christian does cost us some things here is a positive list of this we give up to be a Christian.
What I Gave Up To Become A Christian

  • I gave up filthy rags (Isa. 64:6) for a righteous robe (Isa. 61:10).
  • I gave up vileness (Job 40:4) for virtue (2 Pet. 1:3).
  • I gave up poverty (Rev. 3:17) for plenty (2 Cor. 8:9)
  • I gave up perplexity (Luke 21:25) for peace (John 14:27)
  • I gave up judgment (Rom. 2:5) for justification (Rom. 5:1)
  • I gave up death (Eph. 2:1) for life (John 5:24)
  • I gave up hell (Ps. 9:17) for heaven (John 14:1-3).
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? —Mark 8:36-37
Special thanks to Pastor Al Hughes for sharing this.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Black History Month- Wintley Phipps

I love this video by Wintley at a Gaither Homecoming event. What some of them endured now provides strength and encouragement for us today.
Watch this powerful message in song and be blessed.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Five ways husbands can love their wives.

Husbands are commanded in Eph. 5:25 to love their wives. Notice that this is an unconditional commandment. There are no exceptions, asterisks, or amendments in the verse. In fact it is compared to the love Christ has for the church. There is a concept to dwell on this week, do I love my wife like Christ loved the church?

I have been thinking lately, what are some ways we can show our love to our wives? Now I confess that this is not an exhaustive list but rather a springboard to get your creativity flowing in ways to keep the spark alive in your marriage, and the love bank account in the black.

                1. Act so you are easy to respect.
It is so easy for us men to try to demand respect, while it would be so much better for both if the husband lived in a way that was easy to respect. When conflict arises, (and it will give it time) do you speak in a way that is condescending or in a, "I told you so!" style? Do you raise your voice? Do you say hurtful hateful things? By avoiding these things you are actually helping your wife live up to her commandment Eph. 5:33 to submit and respect you as the head of the home.

              2. Do whatever necessary to maintain your faithfulness.
We live in a sex crazed culture. It is our responsibility as Godly husbands to be sure that there is no other person, absolutely no one else involved in our marriage. Now as I mentioned we live in a sex crazed society, and men are bombarded daily with pictures, provocative coworkers, and just people we pass in general who do not subscribe to the need for modesty. We need to build a fortress around our mind and heart, so these mental images do not interfere with our marriage. We show our love by keeping our mind, heart and body for no one else but our wife period!!! Heb. 13:4 Matt. 5:28

       3. Schedule! Schedule! Schedule!
 Keeping the romance alive will take time and effort. One way husbands can show their wives they love them is by giving them their time. Block off days or hours of the week that is only for them. Let them know that there will be no checking Facebook, emails, twitter, or even answering phone calls. Let her know it is just you and her. Take a night a week or at least once a month for a date night. Schedule it in and don't let anything get in the way of that. I understand that young families with children may face difficulties with finding babysitter, however this can often be resolved by a neighbor, a niece, or even another young couple who will swap nights with you babysitting your kids on your night, and you babysitting theirs on their night.

      4. Learn your wife's "Love Language"
If you have not read the book The 5 Love Languages you need to. I would also encourage you to take the Five Love Languages Test You may also take this test and have your wife take it as well. Share with each other what you have learned about yourself. Talk specifically about her love language and needs. Men and women think differently. We men assume our wives know we love them, but we need to let them know in a way that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we love them.

     5. Marriage is not for you!
Love is always about the other person. In our marriage relationship, love is about her. What can I do to make her happy? What can I do to make her smile? To make her day better? We must understand that marriage can be a wonderful institution, but it was intended for so much more. It was instituted by God when he created a wife for Adam out of his rib Gen. 2:21-22. I think this shows us more than God created men first. Ask yourself why God created the woman? It was not good for man to be alone Gen 2:18. So God created a help mate from his side. Adam was then to honor, cherish, and love her. Eph. 5:25 tells us husbands to love our wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. We need to give ourselves not so much to, (although that is a wonderful thing) but for our wives. Sacrificing us for them.

These five suggestions to love your wives will help keep the romance alive. But these five suggestions are not the end all or an exhaustive list. I trust you will also think of some more ways that you can show your love to your wife, and post suggestions or comments below.        

Monday, February 10, 2014

Amanda Smith - Black History Month

In honor of black history month I wanted to share the testimony of Ms. Amanda Smith the great holiness preacher, and missionary. This is taken from her autobiography. You can read it for free here.

I always got up as early on Sunday mornings as on other mornings. I got my breakfast and
cleaned up my house, and at nine o'clock my little Mazie went to Sunday School. While she was
gone I would cook all my dinner and get everything ready. I did not have time to cook much through the week, as I had often to dry my clothes in the house and I could not have the smell of cooking, so Sunday was the only day I would have a real good dinner, but I never stayed home from church to cook -- so I gave my baby his bath and laid him in his cradle, then I got down on my
knees and prayed the Lord to keep Will asleep till I went to Green Street Church, and to keep James in a good humor so he would not scold me, for I hated to be scolded, in the worst way. James was peculiar. If he came and I happened to be out, even though I went to carry clothes, he would be vexed. So after Mazie came I said, "Now you read your library book and be a good girl, I am going to Green Street Church this morning; it lets out before our church does, so I will be home in time. You can tell your pa, if he comes before I get back. If Will cries, don't take him up; just rock him."
She was a good strong girl, thirteen years old, quite able to take care of him and could
manage him quite as well as I could, so I went and left them. On my way to Green street, it seemed
the Devil overtook me. Just as I turned in Carmine street, I felt a Satanic influence walking by my
side and whispering, "Now, you know, if James comes home and finds you are out, you know what
you will catch; you had better go to Bedford Street and hear John Cookman."
"Well, I will."
So when I got to the corner and was just going to turn down Bleecker street, a voice said,
"No, go on." I went on. After I had gone about half a block Satan whispered again, " You are
seeking sanctification?"
"Yes.""Well, if James comes home and you are out, he will be very angry, and that will be a sin
and you should not make anybody sin."
No," I said, "I will not do it."
Then Satan said, "You had better go and hear that Presbyterian minister on the corner of
Houston and Prince streets." I had heard how kind they were to colored people and I had promised
several times I would go and hear this minister; the Devil had found that out some way; I can't tell
how he knew it, but he did." You had better go and hear him; then, it is nearer home, three blocks
nearer, and you can get home quick."
"Yes," I said, "that is so."
When I got to the corner, as I was about to turn down, with a gentle pull a sweet voice
whispered, "No, no, go on."
"Lord, help me!"
Oh, how will I ever praise God enough for His tender love and faithfulness to me in that
awful hour. He gave power to my fainting spirit, and when I had no might, He increased strength.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
I went on a little further and by and by the enemy seemed to approach me again fiercely. He
said, "Now, you are the biggest fool that ever was. You think you are going to hear John Inskip; he
is not there, he is at the Five Points."
"O, if I thought Brother Inskip was not there, I would not go. I would go back."
I went on. When I reached the steps I shall never forget the thrill of joy that ran through my
heart when I heard Brother Inskip pray. With what strength I had left I said, "Thank God, he is here
and not at the Five Points." I seemed to feel the Satanic presence sweep by me and say, "O, she has
found it out." Old Satan knew I had caught him in one of his biggest lies. I went into the church and
sat down about three seats from the door. I had been to that church but once before and that was
Brother Inskip's first Sunday while I lived in York street I was very sick and could not walk away
up to Sullivan Street Bethel Church where I belonged, so I went in there that Sunday.
I sat in the gallery. The people were so kind; one brother handed me a book and asked me
to come again. I thank God for that spirit that was in Green street those days, even to colored
people. The Sunday I got the blessing I did not sit upstairs, but O, how tired I was when I got into
the church. I leaned my head forward and prayed God to give me strength. When Brother Inskip
had finished his prayer he rose and made his announcements; the last hymn was sung, then came the
text:-- Ephesians, 4th Chapter 24th Verse,--" And that ye put on the new man, which after God is
created in righteousness and true holiness." He said, "In preaching from this text this morning the
brethren will observe I shall have to make some reference to a sermon that I preached a few
Sabbaths ago on sanctification."I was struck, for I had never heard a minister say that word in commencing his sermon
before, and I said, "O, I have missed my chance; two Sabbaths ago I had such a drawing to come
here -- and I did not do it; O, Lord, I have disobeyed that spirit and I am so sorry; do forgive me
and help me, I pray Thee."
O, how I wept, for I had lost my chance and I am so hungry for the blessing, but, "Lord
forgive me and help me to listen now."
I raised my head and fixed my eyes and thoughts on the speaker and got so interested it
seemed he was preaching right to me, and I took every word. By and by I heard my baby scream
out,--I heard him scream as distinctly as ever I heard a child scream. "You told Mazie not to take
that child up, but she has done it and let him fall," Satan suggested.
For a moment the actual thing did occur, and it was before my eyes. My heart stood still
and a voice said, "Trust the Lord."
"I will," I said, and fixed my mind again and listened, and as dear Brother Inskip warmed
up and I was feasting, my baby screamed out again. I jumped, and it seemed that all the people in
the church heard; it was so plain.
"There," the Devil says, "James has come home and Mazie has not done as you told her,
and you will catch it when you get home."
O, I felt if I had wing I would fly. I wanted to scream out. A sweet voice said, "You said
you would trust the Lord."
"So I did," I said, so I sat back and was listening and drinking in and thought all was well
now. Again I heard my baby scream.
"There," said the Devil, "Mazie has let him fall and broken his back," and I got up and
walked to the end of the pew.
"It is no use," I said, "I shall be tormented here: I will go home." And it was as though a
person stood before me and said, "Didn't you say that you would trust the Lord with that child?"
"Yes," I said, "and I will trust the Lord, even if he is dead;" and I sat down. Just as I sat
down Brother Inskip said: "There are a great many persons who are troubled about the blessing of
sanctification; how they can keep it if they get it."
"Oh!" I said, "he means me, for that is just what I have said. With my trials and peculiar
temperament and all that I have to contend with, if I could get the blessing how could I keep it?
Now, some one has told him, for he is looking right at me and I know he means me." And I tried to
hide behind the post, and he seemed to look around there. Then I said, "Well, he means me, and I
will just take what he says." He used this illustration: "When you work hard all day and are very
tired, -- "Yes," I said, and in a moment my mind went through my washing and ironing all night, --
"When you go to bed at night you don't fix any way for yourself to breathe," -- "No," I said, "Inever think about it," -- "You go to bed, you breathe all night, you have nothing to do with your
breathing, you awake in the morning, you had nothing to do with it."
"Yes, yes, I see it."
He continued: "You don't need to fix any way for God to live in you; get God in you in all
His fullness and He will live Himself.
"Oh!" I said, "I see it." And somehow I seemed to sink down out of sight of myself, and
then rise; it was all in a moment. I seemed to go two ways at once, down and up. Just then such a
wave came over me, and such a welling up in my heart, and these words rang through me like a
bell: "God in you, God in you," and I thought doing what? Ruling every ambition and desire, and
bringing every thought unto captivity and obedience to His will. How I have lived through it I
cannot tell, but the blessedness of the love and the peace and power I can never describe. O, what
glory filled my soul! The great vacuum in my soul began to fill up; it was like a pleasant draught of
cool water and I felt it. I wanted to shout Glory to Jesus! but Satan said, "Now, if you make a noise
they will put you out."
I was the only colored person there and I had a very keen sense of propriety; I had been
taught so, and Satan knew it. I wonder how he ever did know all these little points in me, but in
spite of all my Jesus came out best. As we colored folks used to sing in the gone-by years:

"Jesus is a mighty captain,
Jesus is a mighty captain,
Jesus is a mighty captain,
Soldier of the cross."

"Jesus never lost a battle,
Jesus never lost a battle,
Jesus never lost a battle,
Soldier of the cross."

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen.

I did not shout, and by-and-by Brother Inskip came to another illustration. He said,
speaking on faith: "Now, this blessing of purity like pardon is received by faith, and if by faith why
not now?"
"Yes," I said.
"It is instantaneous," he continued. "To illustrate, how long is a dark room dark when you
take a lighted lamp into it?"
"O," I said "I see it!" And again a great wave of glory swept over my soul -- another
cooling draught of water -- I seemed to swallow it, and then the welling up at my heart seemed to
come still a little fuller. Praise the Lord forever, for that day!Speaking of God's power, he went on still with another illustration. He said: "If God in the
twinkling of an eye can change these vile bodies of ours and make them look like his own most
glorious body, how long will it take God to sanctify a soul?"
"God can do it," I said, "in the twinkling of an eye," and as quick as the spark from smitten
steel I felt the touch of God from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, and the welling up
came, and I felt I must shout: but Satan still resisted me like he did Joshua. But the Captain of the
Lord's host stood close by and said, "Take off the filthy garments from him," and Satan was mad.
Again I yielded to the tempter and did not shout. Then I felt the Spirit leave me. I knew He
had gone, and I said: "O, Holy Ghost, if Thou wilt only return I will confess Thee. -- "I am so glad
God put the word confession in my mouth. I thought I would get ready, so when the Spirit came
again I would shout; but before I knew it just as though someone threw a basin of water in my face,
a great wave came and just as I went to say, "Glory to Jesus!" the Devil said, "Look, look at the
white people, mind, they will put you out," and I put my hands up to my mouth and held still, and
again I felt the Spirit leave me and pass away.
Then Satan said: "Now, you have lied to the Holy Ghost, for you said if the Holy Ghost
returned you would confess Him, and He did return and you didn't confess, and you have lied to the
Holy Ghost."
O, shall I ever forget the horror of that hour. I thought I had committed an unpardonable sin,
so was doomed forever. All hope was gone, and a horror of darkness swept upon my spirit. For
about five minutes it seemed to me I was in hell, but somehow, I don't know how, I said, "Well, I
know the Lord has sanctified my soul" -- I felt so sure of it -- "and I will go home to my church and
give the witness."
Just then Satan says: "They will not believe you because you did not get the blessing there."
Then I knew there was a little jealousy and prejudice among some, so I said: "Well, no
matter, I know the Lord has sanctified my soul, anyhow." And I went to get up to go out, but could
not stand on my feet. O, I was so weak. My head seemed a river of waters and my eyes a fountain
of tears. I put my hand in my pocket to get my handkerchief, but I could not get it out. Just then they
arose to sing the closing hymn, that blessed hymn, "My latest sun is sinking fast." I tried to get up,
but could not; then the Devil says, "No one knows you here, and they will think you are drunk."
"Lord, what shall I do," and a voice seemed to whisper in my left ear, for Satan stood at my
right, and would whisper his suggestions: "Pray for strength to stand up." I took hold of the pew in
front of me and trembling from head to foot I stood up, but held on to the pew. Just as I got fairly on
my feet they struck the last verse of the hymn,
"Oh, bear my longing heart to Him,
Who bled and died for me.
Whose blood now cleanseth from all in,
And give me victory."And when they sang these words, "Whose blood now cleanseth," O what a wave of glory
swept over my soul! I shouted glory to Jesus. Brother Inskip answered, "Amen, Glory to God." O,
what a triumph for our King Emmanuel. I don't know just how I looked, but I felt so wonderfully
strange. yet I felt glorious. One of the good official brethren at the door said, as I was passing out,
"Well, auntie, how did you like that sermon?" but I could not speak; if I had, I should have shouted,
but I simply nodded my head. Just as I put my foot on the top step I seemed to feel a hand, the touch
of which I cannot describe. It seemed to press me gently on the top of my head, and I felt something
part and roll down and cover me like a great cloak! I felt it distinctly; it was done 'in a moment,
and O what a mighty peace and power took possession of me!
I started up Green street. The streets were full of people coming from the different churches
in all directions. Just ahead of me were three of the leading sisters in our church. I would sooner
have met anybody else than them. I was afraid of them. Well, I don't know why, but they were
rather the ones who made you feel that wisdom dwelt with them. They were old leading sisters,
and I have found that the colored churches were not the only ones that have these leading
consequential sisters in them. Well, as I drew near, I saw them say something to each other, and
they looked very dignified. Now, the Devil was not so close to me as before he seemed to be quite
behind me, but he shouted after me, "You will not tell them you are sanctified."
"No," I said, "I will say nothing to them," but when I got up to them I seemed to have
special power in my right arm and I was swinging it around, like the boys do sometimes! I don't
know why, but O I felt mighty, as I came near those sisters. They said, "Well, Smith, where have
you been this morning?"
"The Lord," I said, "has sanctified my soul." And they were speechless! I said no more, but
passed on, swinging my arm! I suppose the people thought I was wild, and I was, for God had set
me on fire! "O," I thought, "if there was a platform around the world I would be willing to get on it
and walk and tell everybody of this sanctifying power of God!"
"Of victory now o'er Satan's power,
Let all the ransomed sing,
And triumph in the dying hour
Through Christ the Lord our King."
"Oh! it was love,
'Twas wondrous love,
The love of God to me,
That brought my Saviour from above,
To die on Calvary."
Somehow I always had a fear of white people -- that is, I was not afraid of them in the
sense of doing me harm, or anything of that kind -- but a kind of fear because they were white, and
were there, and I was black and was here! But that morning on Green street, as I stood on my feet
trembling, I heard these words distinctly. They seemed to come from the northeast corner of the
church, slowly, but clearly: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there isneither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28.) I never understood
that text before. But now the Holy Ghost had made it clear to me. And as I looked at white people
that I had always seemed to be afraid of, now they looked so small. The great mountain had
become a molehill. "Wherefore, if the Son shall make you free, then are you free, indeed." All
praise to my victorious Christ!
"He delivered me when bound,
And when wounded, healed my wound.
Sought me wandering, set me right,
Turned my darkness into light."
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
When I got home I opened the door; the baby was still asleep. I said: "Mazie, has Mr.
Smith come?"
"Has Will slept all right?"
"Yes, he has not wakened up at all."
"Well, the Lord has sanctified my soul this morning," and she said, "Has He? mother?"
"Yes," I said, "and I want to go around and tell Auntie Scott." She was my good band
sister. She lived in Clinton court, off Eighth street. When I got to the door, I knocked and opened at
the same time. Brother Scott was lying on the sofa; he was assistant class leader to Brother Henry
De Schield's, who was my leader. He believed in the doctrine of holiness, but had not the
experience at that time, but, thank God, he believed in it and said nothing against it, so that was in
my favor. Brother Scott was "on the fence," sometimes he would seem to believe in it and talk as
though he had it, at another time he would oppose it bitterly, so you never knew just when he
would turn on you. When I went in that morning, I said: "Pop Scott, the Lord has sanctified my soul
this morning."
He raised himself up, and said: "Did -- did He?" (He stammered a little.) I did not wait for
any more, I began to sing an old hymn that I had often heard sung in our love feasts and class
meetings in the gone-by days, which seemed to be the real song of my soul. I had never felt such
soul union with Jesus before in my life; so I sang:
"I am married to Jesus
For more than one year,
I am married to Jesus
For during the war."
The old man looked at me and smiled and got ready for an argument. The children all
looked astonished. Sister Scott had not come in from church. When I had finished the verse, I said,"Good morning," and as I opened the door to go out, Sister Scott was just coming in. I said; "Oh,
Scott! the Lord has sanctified my soul this morning."
I thought she would be so glad for she told me that years before in Canada, she had got the
blessing through Mrs. Dr. Palmer. She never spoke of it definitely and clearly, so I never
understood anything about it, but to my great surprise she very coolly said, "Well I hope you will
keep it," and passed right in by me, and said not another word. I went out. Oh, what a shock!
"There," the Devil says, "She don't believe you have got the blessing."
"O Lord," I said, "Can it be that I am mistaken and will I have to, go back and go all over
the ground. I would rather die right here in my tracks."
As I was turning out of Eighth street in Sixth avenue, I cried out, "O Lord, help me, and if
this blessing is not sanctification, then what is it?" And the Lord did help me. Quick these words
came with power to my heart: "It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth."
"Believeth," seemed to be so powerfully emphasized, and I said, "Lord, I do believe that Thou hast
sanctified my soul," and the power of God came upon me so that my knees gave way under me and
I dropped as though I were shot, right on Sixth avenue. The people were passing and looked at me
and said nothing. I suppose they thought I was a little gone in the head, but God had turned my
captivity and my mouth was filled with laughter. I scrambled up as best I could, for I did not fall
prostrate, my knees gave way and I dropped on my hands, and every time I said the word which the
Lord put in my mouth: "It is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth," another
wave of power came upon me. Down I went again, and so three times, before I got home, I fell
under the mighty power of God. Hallelujah! It is today the same, The power of God unto salvation
to every one that believeth," and I do believe God, and He has kept me saved magnificently.
Hallelujah! There is a big triumph in my soul. I don't know where the Devil went, but I heard no
more of him for a week, then he called on me and said, "When people get sanctified, everything
gets better around them."
"Yes," said I.
"Well, you see James is not any better, if anything he is worse."
That was true, if possible, and I said I did think so too, and didn't understand it, for I
thought he would be glad to know that I had got more religion.
"Then," said he, "You have no witness that you are sanctified."
"Well," I said, "I will have it, God helping me, right now."
It was Friday. I was ironing; I set down my iron and went and told Jesus. I said; "Lord, I
believe Thou hast sanctified my soul, but Satan says I have no witness. Now, Lord. I don't know
what to ask as a direct witness to this blessing, but give me something that shall be so clear and
distinct that the Devil will never attack me again on that point while I live."After a short prayer I waited a moment in silence, and said, "Now, Lord, I wait till Thou
shalt speak to me Thyself," and a moment passed and these words came: "Ask for the conversion
of Miss Chapel."
I said, "Lord, for a real evidence that Thou hast sanctified my soul, I ask that Thou will
convert Miss Chapel between now and Sunday morning."
In a moment these words were flashed through my soul: "If thou canst believe all things that
are possible to him that believeth." And I said, "Lord, I believe Thou will do it," and a flood of
light and joy filled me. Oh, I praise the Lord. I arose from my knees praising God. I went to
ironing; after a little while, Satan came again.
"You ought to go and see if the woman is converted before you are so sure."
"Well, yes, I would like to go, but then it is two miles away, and I am afraid Will might
wake up and cry."
But the enemy urged me, "You had better not be too sure, you ought to go and see," and I
was sorely tempted. I lifted my heart to God in prayer and said, "Lord help me, I believe that Thou
wilt do it, and I will trust Thee." Then there came a still hush and quiet all over me and I went on
ironing and singing. Praise the Lord!
Miss Chapel, referred to, was a very nice young woman, though not a Christian. She was a
very upright, moral person. She was taken ill, and her sister, a very earnest Christian, was very
anxious about her state, and asked me and others to come and pray with her. One day I went, and
met Mother Jones and several others. We sang and prayed with her and left her. And now a week
had passed and I had not heard from her, and I had thought that was why the enemy attacked me so
fiercely on Friday. Sunday morning came and I had persisted in believing and praising God,
according to His word: "If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth." I went
to church, and as I sat in my pew after the sermon was over, and the collection was being taken up,
Sister Jones, who sat in the opposite pew, got up and came over to me, and said "Smith, Chapel
has got the blessing." I said, "Praise the Lord, when did she get it?" She said, "Yesterday
afternoon." Then these words were spoken to my heart in power: "Now that is your evidence," and
I said, "O Lord, I do thank Thee, Thou hast answered my prayer and given me this distinct witness
that Thou hast sanctified my soul."
Many times since then my faith has been tried sorely, and I have had much to contend with,
and the fiery darts of Satan at times have been sore, but he has never, from that day, had the
impudence to tell me that God had not done this blessed work. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
Everybody does not have direct witness to their sanctification nor to their justification in
that way, but it is their privilege to have the clear, distinct witness of the Spirit to both justification
and sanctification, and, as a rule, persons who do not get this distinct witness are unsettled in their
Christian life, often waver and falter, and are more easily turned aside to new isms and doctrines
but, thank God, He has kept me in perfect peace while my mind has been stayed on Him and I have
trusted in Him. Praise His name forever!Source: Amanda Smith's Autobiography
* * * * * * *

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Just Grow Up!

Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill tells about a group of tourists visiting a picturesque village who walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked, "Were any great men born in this village?"

The old man replied, "Nope, only babies."

A frothy question brought a profound answer. There are no instant heroes--whether in this world or in the kingdom of God. Growth takes time, and as I Timothy 3:6 and 5:22 point out, even spiritual leadership must be earned.

Amy Carmichael once said, “Sometimes when we read the words of those who have been more than conquerors, we feel almost despondent. I feel that I shall never be like that. But they won through step by step by little bits of wills little denials of self little inward victories by faithfulness in very little things. They became what thy are. No one sees these little hidden steps. They only see the accomplishment, but even so, those small steps were taken. There is no sudden triumph no spiritual maturity. That is the work of the moment.

 The word “walk” is used 7 times in the book of Ephesians.
This is a strong indication that spiritual maturity is a walk, a journey and a calling.

“Only the Holy Spirit, working through the Word, has the power to bring us to maturity in Christ. “Spiritual maturity is simply concentrating and focusing on the person of God until we are caught up in His majesty and His glory.…– John MacArthur

Eph. 4:1-16 tells us that growing up is a high calling. We call this growing up maturity.  What is maturity? J. A. Wood said in his book, Purity and Maturity "What is produced by growth is of necessity, gradual, what is by faith and the Holy Ghost is of necessity instantaneous. God never accomplished that by cleansing power which is to be secured by growth in grace. On the other hand, growth in grace cannot effect that which is the work of the creating, cleansing energy of the Almighty Spirit. The one is a supernatural, instantaneous work; the other a gradual, natural work….No one is BORN INTO MATURITY, and no one GROWS INTO PURITY.    

Spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how high you jump in church, but how straight you walk in obedience.

A mature Christian has developed spiritual perception. They are able to connect present choices with future consequences.
 Clint Archer pastor of Hilcrest Baptist Church and author of the blog “Criplegate” gives these five signs of Spiritual Maturity
    1. An appetite for meat Heb 5:11 (An infant’s meal needs to go through a blender for the first few months of his or her life. When a normal 21 year old still asks mommy to spoon feed him mashed potatoes, it’s creepy and dysfunctional.
    2. An Imperviousness to personal offence Phil 1:15
    3.  A Conscience informed by Scripture, not opinions
    4. A Sense of humble surprise when used by God in Ministry
    5. Tendency to give credit for Spiritual Growth to God, not people.
While it is a high calling it is also a lowly calling. We are called to be humble loving Christians. We are called to a unity of the Body of Christ. Part of growing up will include these four graces of unity found in Col 3:12;
  1. Lowliness - The opposite of pride, "A thankful sense of dependence upon and a humble recognition of the worth and value of other people." Beacon Bible Expositions
  2. Meekness - More than modesty and knowing one's limitations one theologian worded it, "that unresisting, uncomplaining disposition of mind, which enables one to bear without irritation or resentment the faults and injuries of others.
  3. Longsuffering - The enduring unweariable spirit.
  4. Forbearing in Love - a twin to longsuffering. Forbearing in love is a patience that loves and respects despite another's faults and weaknesses.