Stan Toler in his book, God Has Never Failed Me Before tells the story of a French soldier in WWI who used to carry a little card with him to help him overcome worry... with the following words;
"Of two things one is certain, either you are at the front, or you are behind the enemy lines. If you are at the front of two things, one is certain. Either you are exposed o dangers, or you are in a safe place. If you are exposed to danger, of two things, one is certain. Either you are wounded, or you are not wounded. If you are wounded, of two things, one is certain. Either you recover, or you die. If you recover, there is no need to worry. If you die, you cannot worry. SO WHY WORRY???"
One man who was drowning in problems said, "I've got so many troubles that if anything bad happens to me today, it'll be two weeks before I can worry about it"
It's so easy for us to worry, fret, and stew over things that we have no control of. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati found that eight-five percent (yes - 85%) of what we worry about never happens. Moreover, the study found that 79% of us handle the 15% that does happen in ways that surprise us with our ability to turn the situation around.
It's like what Mark Twain once said, "My life has been filled with calamities, some of which actually happened."
God encourages us in His Word to not be anxious. "Don't worry," He says, "I've got this."
Luke 12:22-32 covers a lot of ground for the worrywart. Take no thought for what you shall eat or wear. But notice how Jesus doesn't just tell the disciples that and leave them but promises them in Luke 12:32 to fear (there's that worry) not, it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. We are worried about what we are going to eat and wear, Jesus says, "Why worry about that, I've got a kingdom for you. An eternal kingdom that won't fade away, that can't be taken away."
In my opinion that makes the things we worry about look pretty small. So small that why should I worry about them, why not let God handle them for me.
Good Message.
ReplyDeleteCarol Lindberg